This article explains how to edit video assets within the DIVA Back Office Video Catalog. For an introduction and a general overview, read our video catalog introduction article.
The following topics are covered here:
Edit video information (video detail)
To edit video information, enter the video detail view:
- Navigate to the Video Catalog
- Select the
icon associated with the video you want to edit
Once in edit mode, relevant video data displays at the top of the screen with the option to navigate to the video editor.
Video detail mode:
3. Enter data into the relevant fields
4. Toggle on/off auto-publish on CMS. If toggled on, all changes are fed to the CMS or custom external sources, and all active video sources are published in the video data
5. Save changes. The Unsaved icon displays if changes have not yet been saved
Using the options at the top of the screen, operators can delete the item, show change history, and load historical revisions, download VideoData, and refresh.
Add translation page
Here, users can add translations for the Title and Description fields via the API or the UI. If adding via DIVA Back Office UI, select the required language and translation.
Video editor
Enter the video editor view to add and sync editorial data such as commentary, chapters, and advertisements.
- Select the
icon to enter the video editor.
2. The video editor view displays a real-time preview of the video in playback mode. Operators can view video information including:
- Source
- Current video time
- Total duration
- Format
- Synchronization information
- Sync video
- Set trim-in/trim-out values
Add timeline markers
Enrich your sports data feed by manually creating additional data that sits on top of the video:
- Commentary – additional related context available via the timeline
- Chapters – split content up using chapter points, visible on the timeline
- Advertisements